All the 'Mysterious Figurines' on the Isle of Siptah (2024)

All the 'Mysterious Figurines' on the Isle of Siptah (1)

As you journey across Siptah exploring its nooks and crannies you’ll come across various ‘Mysterious Figurines’, chunky little grey statues of a variety of dangerous enemies; some familiar, some not. But these aren’t just the Conan equivalent of Hummel collectables, these figures are the key to getting hold of some fine loot. You have to fight for it though. Go to the pools and pick one (there’s three), then place a figurine inside the small plinth provided (it acts like a container). Once the figurine is placed, the pool will erupt into a massive geyser of green water and release the enemy (or enemies) that were trapped in the stone. Then you just have to survive long enough to kill everything coming at you. Some enemies are harder than others, there are seventeen in total and these are listed below in no particular order. But first….


All your dead foes will drop loop of some description, some of it very valuable. However most enemies will drop the following as standard:

  • A Schematic Fragment - collect five of these and they merge to form the recipe for something useful and/or dangerous.

  • A Fragment of Power - handy in so many ways and if you eat one you gain 10 Feat Points.

  • The rest…Black Ice, Demon Blood, Brimstone, Ash.

Don’t forget to harvest corpses to get extra goodies. A pickaxe works best.

Spider of Leng

All the 'Mysterious Figurines' on the Isle of Siptah (2)

Let’s face it, that’s one massive spider, a three-skull boss who also regularly spawns smaller spiders. The smaller critters are easy to deal with, and their mamma is not too hard to whittle down, but it will take a while. Aside from the usual loot (see above) this Shelob wannabe also drops a venom sac full of deadly poisons.

Avatar of Bokrug

This charmer is a giant lizard demon. Like the spider he’s also a three-skull boss and a heavy hitter, but since he arrives alone it’s fairly easy to avoid his powerful attacks. This morose-looking brute can drop Blackwater Armour, the Bane of the Voiceless Ones (an axe) and the Fish-Hook (a sword). You might also get a Bokrug Heart out of it. But don’t break it.

All the 'Mysterious Figurines' on the Isle of Siptah (4)

Not as pathetic as they look. The Ghoul figurine liberates five of these nasties and each is a one-skull boss. If they surround you things can get tricky quite quickly. Aside from the usual loot these fellows can drop poisoned ghoulish weapons: the Ghoulish Blade, Ghoulish Pike and Ghoulish Club.


All the 'Mysterious Figurines' on the Isle of Siptah (5)

There’s a Lloigor dragon on the map (in the Shattered Citadel) that’s a very mean three-skull boss, but the two Lloigors that spawn in the pool are only one-skull tykes and go down pretty easily if you can avoid their various attacks. Their loot can include Lloigor Fang Daggers and Lloigor Long Fang (a spear).

Giant King

All the 'Mysterious Figurines' on the Isle of Siptah (6)

He’s almost like an old pal from the original Conan Exiles map, but he still wants to kill you. However, despite his size, he’s only a one-skull boss and something of a pushover. He drops the widest variety of loot, much of it based around the Conan religions: Balias (a sword), Set’s Tongue (daggers), Jhebbal Sag’s Prowl (more daggers), Ranissan (a hammer), Crom’s Hammer (guess), Mordlun (a spear), Nortis (a mace), Yog’s Touch (an axe), Derketo’s Voice (a bow), Mitra’s Justice (another mace) and Ymir’s Targe (a shield).


All the 'Mysterious Figurines' on the Isle of Siptah (7)

Don’t laugh. They look like short-sighted geriatric newts and are about as dangerous despite both being one-skull ‘bosses’. Try not to pity them as these puny, bow-wielding wimps fall beneath your sword. These not-so-fiesty-fellows drop Thunnha Javelins and warpaint. They may also drop Thunnha Tokens of Friendship. Take the tokens home and put them in your quick menu, then you can place a real-life Thunnha in your base. Assuming you want one. There are a few different versions to collect.

Blood Defiler

All the 'Mysterious Figurines' on the Isle of Siptah (8)

Despite his evil looks this one-skull boss is not that dangerous and his wild hammer swings are easy to dodge. He can offer some nice loot though, a pair of dual-wielding axes called the Hunger Blades, the Deathbringer axe and the Heartpiercer bow.


All the 'Mysterious Figurines' on the Isle of Siptah (9)

Husks look unpleasant but are not too much of a problem unless they surround you. The Mysterious Figurine releases five of these one-skull charmers, but they don’t drop much of interest beyond Blooded Claws (melee weapons) and Blood Sacs.

Undead First Men

All the 'Mysterious Figurines' on the Isle of Siptah (10)

Like Stooges and Blind Mice, Undead First Men come in threes. They’re one-skull bosses and make up for their short stature by being surprisingly vicious. They can drop interesting Primitive Armour (in light and heavy modes) and can also give you Powder of Corruption and Eldarium. The armour is really nice.


All the 'Mysterious Figurines' on the Isle of Siptah (11)

These devil dog/cat thingies arrive as a trio. They’re one-skull bosses and not that dangerous. They like pouncing, and they do it a lot, but they don’t do it very well. Your chance of loot includes Hound Fang Daggers and a Yakith Spike (a spear).

Blood Moon Beast

All the 'Mysterious Figurines' on the Isle of Siptah (12)

Ugg. These are the absolute worst. Blood Moon Beasts are three skull bosses and are very nasty. They have various horrific attacks (the one pictured is firing a ‘blood arrow’) and periodically release giant maggots who quickly wriggle after you with jaws chomping. The maggots are tough to beat and are really, really annoying. Loot includes the Blood Moon Bow, Blood Moon Daggers, a Blood Moon Chakram (a throwing disc) and a Corrupted Liver. Yuck.


All the 'Mysterious Figurines' on the Isle of Siptah (13)

Something of a cross between a mushroom and a tree, the three-skull Krllyandian is perhaps the most bizarre beast of all, especially considering the glowing, light-spitting orb stuck in its belly. It’s just nuts. Hard to take down too. The Krllyandian absorbs punishment and very actively defends itself. Perhaps the second worst enemy after the Blood Moon Beast. For your efforts you may get yourself a Stone Oak Shield, the Frenzied Edge (a sword) or the Bonebreaker (a mace).

Mi-Go and Mi-Go Experiments

All the 'Mysterious Figurines' on the Isle of Siptah (14)

A MiGo (or Mi-Go, or just Migo) is a weird blue-faced, two-legged fly creature. It’s only a one-skull boss but always comes with an entourage of four MiGo Experiments, unfortunate underlings who will attempt to either beat you up or poison you, usually both. They’re all pretty nasty and make the most peculiar sounds. All a dead MiGo will give you is Bile. So there.

Shaggai Huntress

All the 'Mysterious Figurines' on the Isle of Siptah (15)

The Shaggai Huntress figurine releases two of these beauties. They’re both one-skull bosses and not too bad to deal with. All they drop are Huntress Arrows. Meh.


All the 'Mysterious Figurines' on the Isle of Siptah (16)

‘Squid-faced wasp’ perhaps best describes a Shaggai. Each is a one-skull boss, but they go down easy. They drop Shaggai larvae which you can take home and grow to adulthood by putting them in a beehive with at least 100 honey. But don’t forget about them as they will eventually die in there. The Shaggai can then be placed in your base as a little flying pal. Occasionally a Shaggai boss will drop Royal Jelly that can be added to a beehive alongside honey to create a superior kind of Shaggai.

Silent Legion

All the 'Mysterious Figurines' on the Isle of Siptah (17)

Our only human enemies, the Silent Legion comes in a group of three. Each is a one-skull boss and they’re pretty vigorous fighters. So watch it. The dead will give up Silent Legion Armour in light, medium and heavy modes, Telith’s Sorrow (a sword) and Telith’s Lament (another sword).


All the 'Mysterious Figurines' on the Isle of Siptah (18)

Tcho-Tchos come in fives. Each is a one-skull boss and they’re fairly feisty, so don’t let them surround you. Tcho-Tchos drop Warpaint and, like the Thunnha, Tokens of Friendship, so you can take a Tcho-Tcho home with you if you really want. What a treat.

And that’s it. These are the nasties lurking inside the seventeen types of Mysterious Figurine you can find on the Island. If you’d like to see some of these creatures in action, why not check out some of my Isle of Siptah gameplay videos.

All the 'Mysterious Figurines' on the Isle of Siptah (2024)


What is the maelstrom in the Isle of Siptah? ›

A swirling mass of destruction that explodes from the tower at semi-regular intervals, the Maelstrom is the power that fuels all conflict on the Isle of Siptah. If you venture within the vast maelstrom and its circle of devastation you will attract horrors from the outer void.

What does Isle of Siptah give you? ›

Isle of Siptah is a massive expansion to the open world survival game Conan Exiles, featuring a vast new island to explore, huge and vile new creatures to slay, new building sets and a whole new gameplay cycle.

Where are the crystals in the Isle of Siptah? ›

In The Isle of Siptah, large amounts can be found near some vaults, such as the Refuge of the Gremlins, and the Asylum of the Outsiders.

What is the max level in Conan Isle of Siptah? ›

Maximum level 60 : r/ConanExiles.

Is there a friendly city in the Isle of Siptah? ›

So, is there a friendly city/camp/area on siptah like there is in Exiled Lands? There's the Camp of the Castways in the central north part of the island. Was not expecting to see that person. Very nice surprise.

What is the most powerful maelstrom in the world? ›

Saltstraumen is the most powerful maelstrom in the world. The water speed has been measured at over 20 knots, and more than 3,000 m3 of water flow across the entrance to the fjord every second. Saltstraumen is very rich in fish, some of which are famously big. In fact, the largest pollock ever recorded was caught here.

What is the monster in the maelstrom? ›

Often misunderstood, the summa-verminoth are massive tentacled creatures found dwelling among the stars in the treacherous maelstrom surrounding the planet Kessel. Due to their monstrous size and voracious appetite, the beasts are a staple of legends passed between ship captains and crew.

How long does the Maelstrom last in Isle of Siptah? ›

This evidence suggests the storm happens every 2 hours, lasts for 30 minutes, giving us 90 minutes to summon a surge before another storm happens.

Can you transfer from exiled lands to Siptah? ›

You can transfer on servers within Exile Lands and Siptah, but also between Exile Lands and Siptah (To note that you will need to have acquired the 'Isle of Siptah' DLC to be able to transfer your character to Siptah servers).

Is Isle of Siptah smaller? ›

When DHL launched, the new map was a quarter smaller than the EL. Now, after adding the southern territories, Siptah's area is almost the same as EL.

Where are the elephants in the Isle of Siptah? ›

North of the center of the map. Look for the “elephant graveyard.” They will be nearby.

What is the goal of Isle of Siptah? ›

Defeat demonic monstrosities that spawn from a storm of pure chaos. Dominate the surge to secure the island's only supply of thralls.

Is Conan Exiles' Isle of Siptah worth it? ›

It is a different map, if you own it you can choose which one you want to play on. As for being worth it, personally i do like siptah, it has some unique mechanics, but i would not recommend you buy it outright, not unless you enjoy the game a lot and are craving more with a twist.

What does Isle of Siptah add to base game? ›

New Isle of Siptah features: NEW MAP: Explore the massive Isle of Siptah, brimming with ancient ruins, new creatures, sun-drenched beaches, and massive forests. NEW DUNGEON-TYPE: Vaults were created by the elder races in a distant past.

What is the main goal of Conan Exiles? ›

Gameplay. The most basic premise of Conan Exiles is survival in the fictional prehistoric Hyborian Age. Player characters begin convicted of various crimes, sentenced to death, and are crucified under the scorching desert sun.

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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.