10 Things You Should Have Been Buying from the Dollar Store This Whole Time (2024)

RD.COM Money Spending

10 Things You Should Have Been Buying from the Dollar Store This Whole Time (1)

ByMorgan Cutolo

Updated: Jul. 23, 2024

    You may think it's filled with junk, but the dollar store could provide you with some great, cheap finds.


    10 Things You Should Have Been Buying from the Dollar Store This Whole Time (2)

    rd.com, Getty Images

    Who doesn’t love a good bargain? While there are some things to never buy at the dollar store, there are certainly plenty of products you should. A low price may be tempting, but you may also be concerned about quality, and rightfully so. You can expand your budget with dollar store beauty items, but how do you know what’s actually a good deal? We reached out to experts to help guide you on your next trip to the dollar store that will allow you to save some extra cash while getting everything you need.


    10 Things You Should Have Been Buying from the Dollar Store This Whole Time (3)

    the_burtons/Getty Images

    Party supplies

    Hosting a party? Plates, cups, napkins, utensils, balloons, and even party hats can all be found for just a dollar. “While I love Target, these items at Target or Walmart cost several dollars where you can pick them up at the Dollar Store for a buck,” says John Frigo of BestPriceNutrition.com.You’ll be able to go all out with decorating because you can easily stick to your budget.

    RELATED:How Do Dollar Stores Make Money?


    10 Things You Should Have Been Buying from the Dollar Store This Whole Time (4)

    AtlasStudio/Getty Images

    Cleaning supplies

    You’re going to need to clean up after your party. Buy sponges, cleaning sprays, and dish detergent on the cheap. “I can say with confidence that the dollar store is the best place to buy cleaning supplies,” explains Chris Willatt, president of Alpine Maids. “Their products are often just as good as other retailers at a much better price.”


    10 Things You Should Have Been Buying from the Dollar Store This Whole Time (5)

    simarik/Getty Images

    Pregnancy test

    Bet you weren’t expecting that one! Don’t worry, the 99 cent tests are just as effective as the ones at the pharmacy.“For the average woman, dollar store tests are fine and just as accurate as name-brand tests,”Beth Taylor, an infertility specialist at Olive Fertility in Vancouver toldToday’s Parent. You have to be patient though before taking the test. To get the best results, women have to wait until the date of their expected period.

    RELATED:13 Dollar Store Ripoffs You Need to Avoid


    10 Things You Should Have Been Buying from the Dollar Store This Whole Time (6)

    Poh Kim Yeoh/EyeEm/Getty Images

    Greeting cards

    Buying a card from a specialty store can run you upwards of five dollars. “The dollar store has greeting cards 2 for $1.00,” claims the founder of Restore Decor & More,Brooke Grasley. “You can easily pay $4.00-$5.00 for a greeting card elsewhere. For the cost of two greeting cards somewhere else, I can have a stockpile of 20 greeting cards ready to use when needed.”Save money on the next birthday card you buy and put it towards the gift.

    RELATED:Things Dollar Store Employees Won’t Tell You


    10 Things You Should Have Been Buying from the Dollar Store This Whole Time (7)

    Elena Kozlova/EyeEm/Getty Images

    Cooking accessories

    Cheese graters, salt shakers, ice cream scoops, wine glasses, and more—any cooking supply at the dollar store is usually a good buy, except for knives, which may not be of high quality. “Basic cookware supplies like that are just a no-brainer in my opinion,” explains Alicia Harper of ProbioticReviewGirl.com. “They performexactly the same, last for a very long-time and you can’teven tell they were bought for a dollar.”


    10 Things You Should Have Been Buying from the Dollar Store This Whole Time (8)

    Volanthevist/Getty Images

    Paper products

    Stock up on paper towels, toilet paper, napkins, and paper plates and cups. Constantly running to the store to buy these everyday necessities can really take away from your monthly budget. “Nobody should be stuck with generic facial and bath tissue when you can get brand names like Puffs, Bounty, and Scott at Dollar Tree for super cheap,” explains Evelyn of The Krazy Coupon Lady.

    RELATED:Why Dollar Stores Are So Cheap


    10 Things You Should Have Been Buying from the Dollar Store This Whole Time (9)

    stacey_newman/Getty Images


    A lot of dollar stores sell name-brand breads, bagels, and more. Just keep in mind that some of the packages may be close to expiring, so plan on eating them fast or storing in the freezer. “Why pay around $3.49 for Oroweat bread at Target when you can get the same stuff for a dollar?” as said on The Krazy Coupon Lady.


    10 Things You Should Have Been Buying from the Dollar Store This Whole Time (10)

    Daniela Simona Temneanu/EyeEm/Getty Images

    Seasonal items

    Like to decorate your home for Halloween or Christmas? The dollar store always has a big selection of festive bargains. “Holiday decor is a must at the dollar store if you want to DIY your own decor,” says Grasley. “You can easily pay ten times the amount for a wood heart at a craft store as the base for your project instead of finding one for a dollar. By shopping at the dollar store, you can make your DIY holiday decor for much cheaper.”


    10 Things You Should Have Been Buying from the Dollar Store This Whole Time (11)

    Sergey Mironov/shutterstock

    Reading glasses

    You constantly lose your reading glasses or accidentally sit on them and they break. Don’t waste money spending more than a dollar on your reading glasses. Many dollar stores offer a variety of styles so you’re bound to find something you like. “Understandably, reading glasses are expensiveconsidering the design work that goes into making them,” explains Swati Chalumuri of Hear Me Folks.“The cost is, however, unusually high when buying from a drugstore or opticians. This is despite the fact that you can tell your fit by just trying on a pair. Better yet, if you’ve already had a check up, then you have an idea about the kind of glasses you need, which you can easily pick from a dollar store.”


    10 Things You Should Have Been Buying from the Dollar Store This Whole Time (12)

    Susanne Kürth/EyeEm/Getty Images


    Sometimes you can find popular books by best-selling authors for only a buck. Also, take advantage of the kid books and coloring books. “The Dollar Tree has a shockingly good book selection,” says parenting blogger, Lorie Anderson. “I’ll usually swing by there to grab a book before I head to the beach for the day. These days, there’s nowhere else you can buy a brand-new book for a dollar. It’s not the type of store that’ll have every book you want. It’s more like a thrift store, where you never know what they’re going to have. But if you’re the type of person who’s always looking for new books to read, it’s a great place to buy them.” Now that you know what to add to your cart, check out these 21 things you should never buy at the dollar store.


    Originally Published: March 14, 2024


    Morgan Cutolo

    Morgan has written dozens of lifestyle articles for Reader's Digest, covering quirky facts, trivia, memes and humor. She is a former editor at Reader's Digest and Trusted Media Brands. In her free time, she likes exploring the seacoast near her home in Maine and snuggling on the couch with her corgi, Eggo, to read a good book or watch The Office.

    Read More

    10 Things You Should Have Been Buying from the Dollar Store This Whole Time (13)

    10 Things You Should Have Been Buying from the Dollar Store This Whole Time (2024)


    What is worth it at the dollar store? ›

    Certain craft supplies. I buy 1/2” elastic, stamps, silk flowers, florist's tape, modpodge, superglue, and gift bags and greeting cards. Everything else I don't need, or I can get it cheaper elsewhere, or it just plain sucks.

    Is it safe to buy things from the dollar store? ›

    “Of the164 dollar store products that we tested in 2015, 81% contained one or more chemicals of concern, including children's backpacks, bath toys and kids' accessories.” “We should not have to wait this long for dollar stores to adopt safer chemicals policies.

    Do dollar stores really save you money? ›

    Dollar stores may have low prices, but you need to pay attention to how much of the product you're getting. You may have to replace dollar store purchases more often. You may fall victim to impulse spending due to the lower price point.

    What is the best day to shop at the Dollar Tree? ›

    days of the week to hit Dollar Tree are typically Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays.” On these days, Dollar Trees tend to be less crowded, since most people are busy with work or school. Many stores are also restocked over the weekend or Monday, meaning you'll find a greater selection. Of course, location matters, too.

    What is the most successful dollar store? ›

    Dollar General is the largest dollar store operator both in terms of annual sales (more than $34 billion in 2021) and total store count (some 18,000 locations in 46 states).

    Are dollar store plastic cups safe? ›

    Waste not, want not starts with storing leftovers. But don't go with plastic food containers from the dollar store, Bodge warns. “Whether we are cooking with these containers or using them in the microwave or dishwasher, applying heat can release toxins in certain plastics,” says Bodge.

    Are dollar store jars safe? ›

    Dollar Store Glass Jar Manufacturer Since 1984

    Dollar store glass containers from Roetell are 100% safe and can be used to store chocolates, candies, jellies, cookies, coffee beans, and more. They are also ideal for storing coins, art supplies, and other necessities.

    Are vitamins from Dollar Tree safe? ›

    Don't Buy Vitamins and Supplements

    Vitamins and supplements aren't regulated like other medications, which means you can't count on their quality or value at the dollar store, according to Consumer Reports. If you do buy them, look for labels such as USP or NSF International, which guarantee some oversight.

    What are the pros of dollar stores? ›

    A great thing about shopping at a dollar store is that some of their products are specially packaged to be smaller. Not only does the smaller size help keep costs down, but it also means a single-person household is more likely to be able to use the product up while it's still good.

    What are the negative effects of dollar stores? ›

    By making it difficult for a community to support adequate fresh food options, dollar stores create and exacerbate food deserts. News media sometimes claim that dollar store chains seek out food deserts — communities that lack adequate access to the fresh food a grocery store provides — when looking for new locations.

    Why are snacks cheaper at the dollar store? ›

    One strategy is offering products in smaller sizes than those found in larger retailers like Target or Walmart. This smaller size allows dollar stores to keep prices low, but it also means a lower volume of product, potentially leading to higher costs for less product in the long run.

    Is it cheaper to shop at Dollar General or Walmart? ›

    In fact, Walmart cost less than Dollar General in our price comparison. We checked prices on a basket of common goods in their online stores. Walmart was cheaper overall, and beat Dollar General in 10 out of 12 of the items in our basket.

    Why are Dollar Tree items so cheap? ›

    Purchase Cost

    Dollar stores buy a lot of inventory at a time so they can sell things cheaply. Much of the inventory dollar stores purchase cost less than a $1 because they're damaged. But it's buyer beware with items like toys, which can break easily at times.

    What is the difference between the Dollar Store and the Dollar Tree store? ›

    While Dollar General sells products ranging from $3 to $10, Dollar Tree sells everything for just $1.25. That means you can get more products at Dollar Tree with your allotted budget. For 35 years, everything was $1 at Dollar Tree.

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    How much is Dollar Tree increasing? Officially, the store will increase from a $1.25 minimum to a $1.50 minimum. The maximum will also increase from $5 to $7.

    What food should you buy at Dollar Tree? ›

    11 Grocery Items You Should Always Buy at Dollar Tree
    • Baking Mixes. If you're a busy person who loves to bake but doesn't always have time, energy or money to bake from scratch, take advantage of Dollar Tree's baking mixes. ...
    • Canned Beans. ...
    • Ice Cream. ...
    • Chicken Broth. ...
    • Oatmeal. ...
    • Pasta and Rice. ...
    • Condiments. ...
    • Chips.
    Jun 27, 2024

    Why you should shop at the dollar store? ›

    The biggest savings usually comes from buying things like party supplies, wrapping paper, seasonal items, books, utensils and other kitchen items. You can also score bargains on greeting cards, picture frames, storage containers and name-brand cleaning products.

    What is better, Dollar Tree or Dollar General? ›

    Some of the products may not last for long, and you might have to replace them quickly. On the other hand, Dollar General sells products that cost more, but you can expect the quality to be higher. So, if you are looking for better quality products that might last longer, Dollar General is the way to go.

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    Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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    Author information

    Name: Nicola Considine CPA

    Birthday: 1993-02-26

    Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

    Phone: +2681424145499

    Job: Government Technician

    Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

    Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.